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On July 8th, 2020 PhD student Rybchynsky G. defended his dissertation for the PhD-degree at the meeting of the specialized academic council at the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

The name of PhD work was Substantiation of tactics for the treatment of postoperative scarring of the breast (scientific supervisor - Head of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery Shupyk NMAPE, Professor Savoliuk S). The official opponents were: 1) Oliynyk G. - Head of the Department of Combustiology, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor; 2) Samoilenko G. - Professor of the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Surgical Cosmetology of Kyiv Medical University.

The material was based on the complex surgical treatment of 93 patients with postoperative cicatricle deformities of the mammary glands, which were treated on the clinical bases of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery Shupyk NMAPE.

The dissertation specifies the features of the histological structure of pathological scars depending on their types and degree of maturity after their surgical treatment. For the first time, it was proved that the levels of 25-hydroxycalciferol, IL-10, RAI-1, TGF-β1 in the serum of patients correlate with the type of scar and can dynamically change by using the dissertation schemes of treatment and prophylactic, antirelapse measures that allow allocating a group of risk of pathological scar formation.

The results of the research allow developing general tactics of prevention, conservative and surgical treatment of patients with postoperative scar deformities of the mammary glands in the form of a structured algorithm. In their speeches, opponents and members of the specialized scientific council accented on the usefulness of the dissertation, fundamental, broad prospects for its further implementation in institutions of practical health care. Based on the results of the secret voting, the specialized academic council awarded Rybchynsky G. the PhD degree in the speciality 14.01.03 - Surgery.