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On the first Saturday in November, nearly 9,000 physicians came together at the Council of Specialists in Comorbid Conditions.

The "highlight" of the event was the report of prof. S. Dubrov about mistakes in primary care in the treatment of patients with COVID 19. It was an incredible report, which caused a wave of questions and positive responses from the audience. The medical community decided that we don't need ambition, and we will discuss mistakes from 700 medical histories.

The report of the pediatrician prof. Galina Beketova "All diseases of adults begin in childhood", because many family doctors now work with little patients, so their future health depends on them. And it is very important not to miss the first symptoms, which can then have serious consequences.

An unsurpassed analysis of comorbid conditions of a patient with angina pectoris and COPD prof. I. Bereznyakova made it possible to substantiate the recommendations for the appointment of Ivobradin.

As. I. Davydova and prof. M.Dolzhenko discussed the management of a patient with diabetic cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation. The issue of anticoagulant therapy was examined in detail.

At the end of the reports, the doctors had the opportunity to receive a certificate for participation in the Council.

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