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In 2008 the Department of Paediatrics No 2 (Full Professor V. V. Berezhnyi) took part in the complex international scientific pilot project, i. e. multicentric open randomized study (together with “Nutrition” (Holland)) concerning the efficacy of oligosaccharides as prebiotics in infant formulas at the early artificial feeding. 6 leading scientific centres of Ukraine were involved in the project. The results of the investigation were reported at the International Congress in Brazil (August, 2008).
In 2008-2010 the new antihomotoxic drugs in treating patients with diffuse connective tissue diseases were tested at the department (Aesculus Compositum, Placenta Compositum, Osteobios, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Celebrex (Germany).
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Scientific conferences, training programs and traineeship for physicians, the exchange of experience with foreign clinics, the analysis of the most complex cases combined with the leading world experts are integral and important parts of our work.
Twice a week the Center holds teleconferences with the best children's hospital of the United States –Seattle Children’s Centre. The physicians can share the experience, discuss the non-standard clinical cases, develop the mutual strategy for surgical treatment. The physicians of Seattle Children's Hospital conduct master-classes on paediatric and foetal echocardiography.
Every year in October we organize international conferences on congenital heart disease, where the actual issues of cardiology and cardiac surgery are discussed.