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  1. NCSH “OkhMatDyt” (the main one),
  2. Kyiv Perinatal Centre,
  3. Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 1,
  4. Kiev City Maternity Hospital No. 1,
  5. Kyiv Regional Centre for Maternal and Child Health.

The staff members work as clinicians and medical advisers at the units of Neonatological Centre, i.e. head of the department Full Professor Shun’ko Ye. Ye., Full Professor Yashchenko Yu. B., Associate Professor Kostiuk O. O. examine infants at the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Full Professor Piasetska N. M. is the scientific adviser, and Associate Professor Kostiuk O. O. is an adviser  at the Premature Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Associate Professor Laksha O. T. is a scientific adviser at the Perinatal Pathology and Newborn Early Rehabilitation Unit, Associate Professor Konchakovska  T. V. examines infants at the Newborn Surgery Unit. 


They also work as clinicians and medical advisers at the neonatological units of Kyiv Perinatal Centre, intensive care units of Kyiv Regional Centre for Maternal and Child Health, Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1, Kyiv Maternity Hospital No. 1.


The staff members participate in the development and implementation of the normative base of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on improving perinatal aid for pregnant women, lying-in women, women in childbirth, infants and premature infants.

The department is involved into National Project "New Life - New Quality of Maternity and Childhood".