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On April 17-20, 2019, the British-Ukrainian Symposium (BUS-11) on anesthesiology and intensive care "Innovative Technologies and Techniques in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care" was held on the basis of the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital. Traditionally, the forum was preceded by a "refreshing" course of lectures (three sessions) by leading domestic and foreign anaesthesiologists.

On June 10-13, 2019, The European Congress on Lung Cancer took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in work of which Ass. Prof. of The Oncology Department of Shupyk NMAPE Olga Ponomaryova, MD, PhD have participated.

On the basis of the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, on April 17, 2019, the British-Ukrainian Symposium (BUS-11) on Anesthesiology and Intensive Care dedicated to innovative technologies and methods in anesthesiology and intensive care" was launched. The organizers of the forum: Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after PL Shupyk and Clinical Hospital "Feofaniya".

In the atmosphere of an exciting celebration, on April 18, 2019, the official opening of the Eleventh British-Ukrainian Symposium (BUS 11) took place at the conference hall of the "Feofaniya" CH. The ceremony was attended by: Vice-chancellor for scientific and pedagogical work of NMAPE named after PL Shupyk, professor Tolstanov O.K., head physician of the "Feofaniya" I. Semenov, head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Academy, professor O. Loskutov, authoritative specialists of the anesthesiologists from the USA - Laurence Torsher and John Abenstein, Roman Gregg - initiator of the project, president of the Ukrainian Medical Association of Great Britain.

The annual conference with international participation “Important aspects of contemporary diabetology” took place on April, 11-13 in Odessa. This conference was organized under auspices of P.L.Shupyk National Academy for Postgraduate Education and Ukrainian Diabetology Association.