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On November 26, 2022, the 1st Latin American Symposium on Globalization and Emergency Medical Care was held, at which a number of important issues were considered, taking into account modern threats, risks and prospects for the development of emergency medical care in the world.

On December 10, 2022, the Parliament of Portugal has discussed the topical issue of creating a separate emergency medicine specialty.

We can choose to bounce back – or to step forward, as almost all people have instinctively done in the course of this strenuous time. The current imperative need is to keep our students and listeners engaged in teaching/learning process and enable them to successfully complete the 2022 academic year. The online learning is a part of the SNHUU project, which is targeted for this purpose. Virtual teaching and learning is new, daunting, and rightfully feels overwhelming for most teachers. Luckily there are brilliant educators at our university, who are also experts in teaching virtually, even during this very difficult period for our country, and they are ready and willing to provide guidance and support in virtual interaction between teachers and students. When unwanted event like the war happens, human brains are wired to ask the questions: What does this mean? What could we do? How can we interact with others during the war?

Staff of the Shupyk NHU of Ukraine take an active role providing of medical support to the people of the de-occupied territories of Ukraine.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”
B. B. King

We sincerely congratulate Professor Vadym Kryzhevsky, Head of the Department of General and Emergency Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, with the inclusion of his biography in the VII volume of the presentation edition "Scientists of Ukraine - the Elite of the State", which publishes the names of outstanding scientists for their high professionalism, significant scientific achievements achievements, conscientious work, an active public position and a significant contribution to ensuring the development and prosperity of the state.